Bottom temperature was 76; maximum depth was 19 ft; dive time was 41 minutes and my SAC rate was 19.92 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.

Sort of looked for the plow anchor, but did not run a pattern. Just looked around where I happened to be. I did swim West to try to get on the Swiss Cheese Reef, but had overcompensated and got too far South. I missed it.
I swam back, but surfaced at about 1000 psi. I was concerned about making it to the beach. My regulator was free flowing a lot and my air usage was poor.
Bottom temperature was 76 degrees; dive time was 31 minutes; maximum depth was 24 feet; consumption was 29.10 psi/minute at an average depth of 22 feet and my SAC rate was 17.46 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.

Just tried to stay in the same spot during the surface interval. Came close. I dropped down to 24 feet of water and started swimming SW to the beach. I didn't get on the Swiss Cheese Reef, but I was on something like it. Lots of holes in the surface and some fish, but not like the reef, or at least not like the reef in the daylight. Not that it was pitch black. More like twilight. Sky was overcast and the sun was well up, but it was hidden behind the clouds.
I just plodded along. Got down to 147 but was on the white sand and kept going. Surfaced in 8 feet of water and swam in. Missed the step. Had a reasonably flat bit of sand to cross and I was out of the water. Cold, though. I tried to dry off and warm up, but it wasn't happening, so I went home.
Bottom temperature was 75 degrees; maximum depth was 24 ft; dive time was 33 minutes and my SAC rate was 18.71 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.
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