a Banded Butterflyfish,
a Tube Dwelling Anemone
a Basketstar
a Juvenile Blackear Wrasse
a Rock Beauty,and
a Star Horseshoe Worm.
I found a large Gaudy Natica on the sand but didn't think to take a picture of it. Had to swim South to get to the 3-tiered reef, then followed the sand South to the Jacks. I looked for the Lightning Welk from yesterday, but it was no where to be found. Same with the post-larval squid. Too bad. We headed back with lots of air, but I was shivering well before we left the Jacks. I surfaced in 8 ft of water and took care of the flag. The step was not bad and I got out pretty easily without needing Luis's help.
Water temperature was 73 degrees; consumption was 29.51 psi/minute at an average depth of 17 feet; SAC rate was 19.48 psi/minute; RMV was 0.5 ft3/minute.