Took another photograph of the Spotted Cyphoma on the Knobby Sea Rod just East of the buoy pin and West of the blocks.
Continued East looking for anemones or other photographic subjects, but the visibility was poor and there was not much life around. Went up to the swiss cheese reef and beyond to flat, deeper sand at 23 feet. Took 40 minutes, so I ascended.
Bottom temperature was 76 degrees; maximum depth was 23 feet; dive time was 40 minutes; consumption was 27.1 psi/minute at an average depth of 18 feet and my SAC rate was 17.54 psi/minute on an aluminum 80

When I got to the surface, I found that I was well North of Bahia Mar, almost to the next building. I tried to stay in deep water, but swam a little to the South, against the current. When I dropped down, I was in 24 feet of water.
I decided to head North to the umbrella stands off the Marriott. Got this shot of two Seminole Gobys

This shot of a Seaweed Blenny,

and this shot of a Gaudy Natica shell.
Spent about 20 minutes swimming and then decided to head Southwest to get in a better position to make it to the beach. I surfaced after 40 minutes.
Bottom temperature was 76 degrees; maximum depth was 24 feet; Dive time was 40 minutes; consumption rate was 26.38 psi/minute at an average depth of 22 feet; my SAC rate was 15.82 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.
During my surface interval I swam southwest towards the swim buoy off Tower 3, to look for the Danforth anchor I dropped there on the 24th of April. I descended to 25 feet then headed off to the SW to get to the swim buoy so I could search for the anchor.
Got this shot of a Christmas Tree worm.
I knew I was North of the buoy but I did not see the anchor and did not recognize any landmarks. I decided to head South, but I did not see anything familiar, so I went to the surface to see where I was. I was now South of the buoy, but right on the white sand.
Got this shot of a Bicolor Damselfish.

So I picked up the anchor and bounced my way into the beach. I surfaced in 4 feet of water and held the camera with one hand while I held my fins, the flag and the anchor in the other. Climbed up the step holding on to everything and then walked up to the shower.
Got this shot of a Knobby Sea Rod.
Bottom temperature was 76 degrees; maximum depth was 25 feet; dive time was 34 minutes and my SAC rate was 18.56 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.

Got this shot of a Purplemouth Moray Eel, too.
Got this shot of a Two Spot Cardinalfish.
I surfaced to check the bearing to the anchor: due East of the Shower. I dropped and continued swimming East out to a tire on the sand and near a bend in some cable.

I swam back to the West, looking for the anchor. I was beginning to think I had lost it again, but I continued to the West and ultimately found it on the swiss cheese reef. I again went to the surface to check the anchor's location. I've found it three times now, so maybe I'll take some tools tomorrow and try to disconnect the chain and raise the anchor with the lift bag.
Bottom temperature was 76 degrees, maximum depth was 25 .4 feet; Dive time was 121 minutes; my SAC rate was 17.05 psi/minute and the Residual minute volume was .44 ft3.
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