The trip was scheduled to make drift dives on two shallow (45 ft) reefs, but Bob would drop us in deeper water to complete Guillermo's Advanced Open Water certification.
Bob preferredthat we make the first dive with the others and he would drop us in deep water for our second dive. So that's what we did.
I got to take my Canon 5d Mk 1 with a 50 mm lens and the dome port. I have had very little experience shooting wide-angle.
As you can see, I need more experience, though I really expected to shoot wide-angle on wrecks, not reefs.
I did not take the camera on the second dive, since Guillermo had not previously been to 100 feet. We went to 116 feet. I would have preferred taking the macro set-up, anyway.
We saw a Spotted Moray Eel and followed a lobster trap line, though the traps were empty. We did find a Smooth Trunkfish hanging around one of the traps.
We also spotted a Scrawled Filefish just hanging out under the trap line. The current was fairly strong, but it was a fun dive.