Dive Tme was 80 minutes; RMV was .4 ft3/minute.
Luis was in the lot waiting for us when we got back. We took a little bit of a break, geared up and got in the water with our cameras. We swam on the surface to the single Jack in line with the Firehouse. The Jacks were to the North a bit. We swam long the line of the Jacks taking pictures. Got several shots of the Hawksbill Sea Turtle above and a few of the little nurse Shark to the right.
Got several shots of a Bicolor Damselfish,
an Intermediate Blue Tang still showing traces of the yellow of its Juvenile state,
a resting Spotted Goatfish being cleaned by a Neon Goby,
a Scrawled Cowfish,
a Sharptail Eel,
a Largemouth Grunt,
and the first Tobaccofish I have ever seen anywhere.
Darryn was excited and ran through his air faster than usual. Dive Time was 103 minutes; RMV was 0.35 ft3/minute.