I ran into the same turtle I had originally swam with, and got some really good, really close shots head on.
About the only shots that came out. Visibility was terrible and it was difficult to navigate.
We swam over to the Fish Camp Rocks where I got this picture of these Glassy Sweepers.
I found this White Speckled Hermit Crab and got several pictures.

I also spotted this Orange Spotted Filefish, who paused for this picture.
After the Fish Camp Rocks, we went West to the beach but the current put us well South of Tower 17. The wind had picked up considerably and was now NNE about 15 knots. Luis took the flag and I managed to get out of the water without falling or breaking the camera. Always a good result.
I decided not to take my camera on our second dive. Too much risk of losing it in the surf or damaging the housing. We descended and just headed East to the Eastern Ledge off Tower 17. We went North along the Ledge, then came back to the beach. We still ended up well South of where I thought we would be. Current along the beach was very strong. I was glad I had not taken the camera.