We passed two single Jacks in a line and I was having second thoughts, but we soon came to the Jacks. We got on the South Side and headed East to the end, then came back to the Western end of the Jacks.

Along the way, we found a small school of Doctorfish on the Jack, one of whom was carrying a Cymothoid Isopod.

Got this shot of an Ocean Surgeonfish.
A Porkfish.
A Sand Diver.

A Smooth Trunkfish.
and a Trumpetfish.
After touring the Jacks, we surfaced to see if we could find Leo's flag, but we could not. In that few minutes on the surface, however, we drifted far enough North that we could no longer see the Jacks. This time, I knew they were there and we quickly found them, but it was amazing how quickly we lost them.
We swam back in to the beach and Leo and Chad were waiting for us by the truck. Leo's wife had not arrived with the spare key. Pattie needed to go and I took Darryn and Chad to fill tanks. We later met Leo at the Bridge and he worked with the guys on the snorkel skills and the regulator and mask clearing skills from the first confined water dive.
Dive Time was 96 minutes; my SAC rate was 17.66 psi/minute and my RMV was 0.46 ft3/minute.