I spent some time at the Cigar Rock looking for smaller life to photograph. I spotted a juvenile Queen Angelfish but he stayed in the rock and I could not get a good shot. I swam up to the Gray Mid-way Rock and turned North towards the Perpendicular Rocks, where I got this shot of a Bluestriped Grunt.
I got this shot of a Blue Tang just past the Swept Rock as I was heading onto the Knoll.
Found a Hawksbill Sea Turtle on the North side of the Knoll and swam with him for several minutes.
Found this not so little crab in the rocks just South of the Knoll. Tried to coax him out for a better shot, but this was as good as I could get.
This little Sharpnose Puffer was also just South of the Knoll in some rocks. I like the eyeliner she wears. Whenever I see a woman with made up eyes and smile and think of these little puffers.

This Rock Hind has taken up residence on the South East corner of the Knoll. She's very shy, but we are getting to know one another some.

On the way back down the reef and almost to the blocks, I spotted a pair of these Round Scad.
Nice dive. Little over two hours in water still in the mid to high 70's, but you can tell that winter is coming.