The day started badly. I left my keys behind when I walked out of the house and locked the door. Fortunately, the kitchen windows are jalousie windows. I rescued my keys and was headed to the Pelican Grand in under 15 minutes. Its the

awful feeling I get when I realize I have done something stupid. Then I think, well, of course, I'm off to look for the Ledge of Turtles, again. Its the theme for the day. I am also shooting macro,

so I am looking for Jawfish with eggs and other smaller creatures, such as the Amphipods that live in perfectly round holes in the sand.
I descend before the swim buoys and head out at 90 degrees. There is a moderate current to the North and I am aware that I am being set, but it

is difficult to quantify because of the limited visibility. I find the Shark Rocks and the little Fish Camp Rocks. I find the Staghorn Coral forest. I do not find the Ledge of Turtles. I do encounter a large Red Grouper who stares me down.

The second dive is essentially the same as the first, except that I do not find the Shark Rocks. I do not find the Ledge of Turtles, either, but I do find and get video of a Hawksbill turtle and then

a smaller Green turtle. Unfortunately, Blogger is reluctant to let me upload videos.
In order to elude the Lifeguards, I walk to the Northern most shower and then North along the

fence on the beach so that I am no longer on the "public" beach when I swim out for my third dive. I swim South and find the Shark Rocks and spend some time swimming with a Smooth Trunkfish, trying to get a face shot. Long day, but it ends so much better than it started.