I spotted this Banded Coral Shrimp and took the pictures.

I also photographed a long Bluespotted Coronetfish, which remained unexpectedly calm while I got my pictures using the strobe.
I also spotted a couple of tube dwelling anemones and got some pictures. I surfaced just shy of 40 minutes.
Bottom temperature was 75 degrees; dive time was 38 minutes; consumption was 26.37 psi/minute at an average depth of 17 feet and my SAC was 17.40 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.

On the surface, I was much farther North of Tower 4 than I had thought I would be. I swam South while on the surface. After a 5 minute surface interval, I descended to 24 feet and spotted a Caribbean Reef Squid hanging in the water just off a sea rod, but I could not get the camera set up quickly enough to get the shot.
I completed my set up then continued swimming East towards deeper water. I spotted this Doctorfish with a Cymothoid Isopod attached and got this picture.
I also got this shot of a Spotted Goatfish at night.
Water temperature was 75 degrees; dive time was 30 minutes; consumption was 26.73 psi/minute at an average depth of 21 feet and my SAC was 16.34 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.

I headed West Northwest, back to the beach in front of Tower 4. I got some photos of this purplemouth Moray Eel, but couldn't coax him out for a portrait.
Got this shot of a Tube Dwellling Anemone.
Came up in 8 feet of water, secured the flagline and swam in to the beach.
Bottom temperature was 75 degrees; dive time was 41 minutes; consumption was 25.66 psi/minute at an average depth of 17 feet and my SAC was 16.93 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.
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