Spotted this Bicolor Damselfish holding a preacher pose and got the shot.
Also found a nice Gaudy Natica and a few other shells. Even got a picture of the Natica on the sand.
Also got this shot of a Juvenile Green Razorfish.
After swimming SSE for 10 minutes, I decided that those dive flags were not on the Jacks. I did a 180-degree turn and headed North. Surfaced just before the Jacks.

Swam on the surface to the Jacks during the 5-minute surface interval, then dropped to 24 feet and cruised West along the North side of the Jacks shooting pictures of mostly reef fish. No sharks or other larger animals.
Got this shot of a Glasseye Snapper
and this shot of a Porcupinefish swimming along the top of the Jacks.
Got this shot of a Spotted Trunkfish just before leaving the Jacks.

Got this shot of a Queen Angelfish on the 3-tiered reef.

Saw a small school of Atlantic Spadefish swimming over the Jacks and I got this picture.
Current slacked off after leaving the Jacks and was pretty dead by the time I hit the white sand. Surfaced in about 7 feet of water, got the flag squared away and swam in to the beach.
Bottom temperature was 73; dive time was 47 minutes; consumption was a hearty 31.98 psi/minute at an average depth of 15 feet; and the SAC rate was 21099 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.
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