Got to the beach early and geared up. Got in and had time to swim out to the Big Rock before descending. Dropped quickly, suggesting I am too heavy with 10 pounds.

There was a Nurse Shark sleeping under the rock and I got several shots. I left, be it stayed. The way it should be.

I swam South a bit and found a pair of Seminole Gobys.
Got several pictures, though they are a bit more skittish than the Blue Gobys.
Then I continued at what I hoped would be 150 degrees and found the Dog Rock. Got some pictures of a Blue Tang with White Stripes. At first I thought it was some mutation, but I watched as the white stripes disappeared and it turned back into the Blue Tang I am used to seeing.
Headed almost 90 degrees and found the knoll. Watched a small turtle swim away as I swam up. Checked out the knoll and then went slowly East to the Cushion Coral. Explored there for a bit and got this photo of a Spotted Goatfish, then I went West back to the knoll.

I searched a Giant Anemone for Squat Anemone Shrimp but could not find any. About 6 ft away, however, I spotted this guy in from of an opening in the coral. I got the shot.
Hung around until I was at 1000 psi and then went 330 degrees back to the Big Rock. The Nurse Shark was still there, but I stayed away. Got to 120 minutes and then went West to the beach Total dive was 126 minutes. Last Tuesday I did 144 minutes on a tank with even less pressure.

I went South looking for some more Seminole Goby pairs. Got this shot of a Hogfish, instead.

I don't know where I went wrong and I did find the knoll. Saw the turtle again, but still too far away to get a good photograph. Spotted this Amber Penshell on the Knoll.
Did better than on the first dive, but not like Wednesday, when I went 162 minutes on less air.
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