Once in the water, I swam to the Big Rock and got some pictures of Juvenile Cottonwicks. I then headed out at 150 degrees to get to the knoll.
Along the way I spotted a Sailfin Blenny doing his morning ritual and tired to get some pictures. Only a few of them even came close to what I wanted.
I also spotted these Christmas Tree Worms on a Great Star Coral.

On the Knoll, I also took pictures, including this picture of what I think is a Graysby with some cleaner shrimp in its opened mouth;
this portrait of a White Grunt;
this picture of a Juvenile Dusky Damselfish,
this portrait of a Sand Diver,
and this shot of a Yellowline Arrow Crab.
I left the Little Knoll with 1000 psi. I found the Big Rock and breathed the tank down to about 300 psi and headed to the beach. Dive time was 133 minutes.
Both Luis and Ray were at the beach when I got back. Leo had sent me a text saying that he would not be coming this morning. So I kept the camera and we all got in for a second dive to the Little Knoll. Swam out to the swim buoy and descended. Ray carried the flag. We found the Big Rock and took some pictures there, then headed off at 150 degrees, but the current had picked up some and we missed the knoll. We wandered. Finally, I surfaced to see that the swim buoy about 50 ft to the West and I went back down. Using this new information, we swam over to the Big Rock and took another shot at the Knoll. We missed it for the second time. Luis complained that his compass was not working. I think it was the bad visibility. Doesn't matter. We never found the knoll.

Dive time was 98 minutes and I had 624 psi left even after sharing air with Ray.
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