Found a Goldentail Moray Eel on the Knoll and got quite a few pictures. Hung out at the Knoll for most of the dive, but I did swim at 50 degrees and ended up a little West of the Porthole Rocks.

Also had a Green Sea Turtle come around to get cleaned. He would swim right towards me, then turn away sharply. Odd. He came around twice while I was there.

This Queen Angelfish came to the West wall of the Knoll.

This Black Spotted Feather Duster was on top of the Knoll.

This Giant Anemone was also on the top of the Knoll, but the focus of the picture is the Squat Anemone Shrimp on the red sponge to the right.

This Red Hind followed me around for several minutes until I turned the camera and strobe on him and I didn't see him again.

I found this little Nudibranch on the top of the Knoll. Not able to identify it, but I only have the Humann book.

This Hogfish was busy chowing down and adopted his mottled red coloring.
At 1000 psi, I went back to the Big Rock with the current, ran down my air and then swam in to the beach.
The 27 minute surface interval was about 10 minutes getting in and 10 minutes getting out, leaving 7 minutes to get warm and drink a cup of coffee. Great. Second dive was much like the first: I swam out to the Big Rock, descended and took some pictures then skipped the second rock and went 140 degrees to the Little Knoll. Took some more pictures, then followed the current to the Big Rock where I ran my air down before swimming back to the beach.
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