Got this shot of a Juvenile Yellowtail Damselfish
and then this Terminal Phase Yellowtail Damselfish (Golden Variation).

Also got this shot of a small group of Porkfish just hanging in the current along the Ledge.
I then swam East to Shark's Rock but there were very few fish there, so I continued on to the Eastern Ledge.

Found an Arrow Crab on the sand and got some good shots showing the mouth and eyes as well as the two bright blue claws. Got to 77 minutes dive time at 1500 psi, and decided to head back to the Ledge.

and this Indigo Hamlet.

Spotted this Hogfish just as I reached the Ledge of Turtles.

I hung out on the Ledge with the fish, including this Rock Hind until I got down to 1000 psi and 96 minutes.

Got this picture of a Christmas Tree Worm on some Low Relief Lettuce Coral nust after leaving the Ledge.
Headed down the reef to the Rock Pile and was hanging out there when I noticed the flag was gone. I surfaced, spotted it and recovered it, but when I went back under, I could hear the air bubbling out of my regulator. Apparently, when I surfaced for the flag, the regulator got unseated and the o-ring was leaking. I headed back in to the beach, but instead of the 12 minutes I thought I would get, I got 5 minutes.
I decided to make a second dive. Since the Lifeguard was in the tower, I had to walk up to the shower, then along the fence to the View Residences property before I could get in the water. I headed East, but the current was stronger than before and I had to head a little South, too. After 90 minutes, I ended up at the Ledge of Turtles, but I have no idea how I got there. Got down off the reef at 120 minutes and hung out at the Rock Pile until I was down to 300 psi and then I headed in. Good dive time.
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