During our 45-minute surface interval, we again discussed Stefano's buoyancy and his use of his breathing to control that buoyancy. I am concerned that at the end of a dive when he should be 4 to 5 pounds lighter than he was at the beginning of the dive, he has difficulty hovering at depth and floating at the surface. Having beaten that particular horse again, we geared up and got in the water.
Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) |
We swam out to the blocks then due East to the gun sight, to the Cigar Rock and to the Gray Mid-Way Rock, except we got set to the North by overcompensating for a mild South current. We skirted the Big Coral Knoll then headed South to the Fish Camp Rocks.
Lesser Electric Ray (Narcine brasiliensis) |
On the way to the Rocks, I spotted and photographed a Lesser Electric Ray (Narcine brasiliensis). This is only the third time I have seen this animal and the first time I have seen it off Tower 17. Before I have seen it off Tower 4.
Lesser Electric Ray (Narcine brasiliensis) |
Christmas Tree Worm (Spirobranchus giganteus) |
At the Rocks I spotted this Christmas Tree Worm and the following common reef fish.
Bluestriped Grunt (Haemulon sciurus) |
Spotted Goatfish (Pseudupeneus maculatus) |
White Grunt (Haemulon plumierii) |
Caesar Grunt (Haemulon carbonarium) |
Schoolmaster (Lutjanus apodus) |
Juvenile Yellowtail Damselfish (Micropathodon chrysurus) |
Spanish Grunt (Haemulon macrostomum) |
Redband Parrotfish (Sparisoma aurofrenatum) |
The Bottom time on our dive was 75 minutes and the maximum depth was 19.8 feet. My SAC was 17.64 psi//minute and the RMV was 0.46 cubic foot per minute.
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