We went North into the Staghorn Coral and then to the Swiss Cheese Reef. We headed North, taking pictures and watching fish. We continued North for a bit, then turned the dive and headed back along the reef to the staghorn coral before turning West to the beach.
We ended up in front of Tower 3, however, a bit farther South than we needed to go.
Bottom temperature was 78 degrees; maximum depth was 18 feet; dive time was 112 minutes and my SAC rate was 16.82 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.

Luis wanted to make a second dive, but also wanted to be back by 1:00 pm so he could get to the shop to fill his tanks. I took the flag. We descended just past the swim buoy off Tower 4 and headed NE.
At first we were on the small reef that starts at the swim buoy. Then we went over a sand area with lots of shells. Then we came to the Swiss Cheese Reef and went one corridor East beyond that.
Got a shot of a small school of Chub.
Then it was time to head back. I went a bit South since I knew we had come NE. I expected to find the staghorn coral, but did not, so I turned West anyway. We got to the last sand corridor before the end of the reef and the white sand and I surfaced to see that we were just North of the swim buoy off Tower 4.
Bottom temperature was 78 degrees; maximum depth was 23 feet; dive time was 102 minutes and my SAC rate was 15.78 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.
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