22 May 2015

Another 2 1/2 hour solo dive off Catamaran Beach

Got to the beach just after 5:00, only to realize that I had forgotten my dive gear. Yeah. Really. So I had to go back home and packed it up then return to the beach where I discovered that even though I had charged a strobe battery, I had not put that battery on the strobe. So I dove without the camera.

I was a little concerned about making a night dive. I went in and swam slowly NE, then due East. I swam over some patch reef and spotted an octopus pop his head up to see what was going on, then duck back in the reef as I passed. I had 3150 psi and wanted to get to 150 minutes of dive time. I went slowly to the East over some sand flats, some more patch reef, another sand flat and then the Swiss Cheese Reef. Kept moving East and got to 22 feet of water at about 40 minutes. I went to the surface to find I was still South of the yellow condo building, so I turned North and looked for shells on the sand flats up to what I thought would be the Marriott. I went to the surface again to see that I was right, but still a little South of the Marriott.

Got to be 60 minutes dive time and I decided to head back to the beach and look for the swim buoy. Got to the last sand flat and started working my way South. Found an East/West running cable that ran under a large rock/coral head. From there I went West and ended up at the swim buoy. Swam around there and burned my tank down to 300 psi and then headed West to the beach. Came up in 8 feet of water with 152 minutes of dive time.

Bottom temperature was 80 degrees; maximum depth was 23 feet; dive time was 152 minutes and my SAC rate was 0.34 ft3/minute.

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