I took a couple of pictures on the Big Rock, but visibility was really poor. I headed South to the smaller rock but ended up at the knee-high coral and went from there to the decorated sea rods, the dead sea rods and the counter-weight. That's as close as I got to the knoll. Think I got set North. In the low visibility, I just couldn't find the knoll.
I just swam around and got this shot of an Initial Phase Redband Parrotfish
and this shot of a red-tipped Fire Worm. I spent about an hour swimming and looking, then surfaced to find I was pretty much East of Tower 15.
Bottom Temperature was 76 degrees; dive time was 60 minutes; consumption was 25.07 psi/minute at an average depth of 18 feet and my SAC rate was 16.22 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.
After a 5 minute surface interval, I guessed that I was North of the knoll, so I descended to 18 feet and then moved South to 22 feet of water, but I never found the knoll or any of the various landmarks I know in the area. I picked up some shells and took some pictures, but visibility was so bad that I wasn't optimistic.
I got this sot of a Juvenile Queen Angelfish
and this shot of an Orange Spotted Filefish.
I had to surface at about 700 psi to see where I was and how best to get to the beach. Turns out I was well South of Tower 15 at that point and since the A1A project had blocked the street entrance to the beach, I would have to go down the stairs, through the tunnel and up the other stairs to get back to the truck even if I did swim back to Tower 15. I decided to exit onto Sunrise and walk in the main entrance to the park. It was a longer walk, but no stairs would be involved. After being weightless for almost 2 hours it was important that no stairs would be involved.
Bottom temperature was 76 degrees; dive time was 51 minutes; consumption was 25.84 psi/minute at an average depth of 18 feet and my SAC rate was 16.72 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.
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