We swam out to the buoy line and descended. He was underweighted and had trouble just getting down. I handed him a brick of broken off coral to carry and that fixed that problem. We headed across the Algae Patch, the sand, the 3-tiered reef and turned South to the Jacks.
I did not take my camera on this first dive since I didn't have any idea how he would be in the water, but he is fine in the water. We swam along about 1/3 of the Jacks, then headed back to the beach. He was low on air, but we made it just fine.
Bottom temperature was 76 degrees; dive time was 76 minutes; consumption rate was 30.98 psi/minute at an average depth of 16 feet; SAC rate was 20.87 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.

Got this shot of a Caribbean Spiny Lobster,
this shot of a Cottonwick,
this shot of an Initial Phase Queen Parrotfish,
this shot of two Smallmouth Grunts on the Jacks.
Kenny tripped 1500 psi as we were almost to the Eastern end of the Jacks, so we turned the dive and scurried back to the beach. Two dives was enough for Kenny. Me too, truth be told. We did a lot of swimming.
Bottom temperature was 76 degrees; dive time was 75 minutes; consumption was 32.25 psi/minute at an average depth of 18 feet; SAC rate was 20.87 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.
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