Although the light wind was out of the West and the ocean surface was calm, there was a mild to moderate South current that surprised me. I swam on the surface out past the buoy line and descended. I took the camera and got some interesting pictures on the Algae Patch, including a small Purplemouth Moray Eel.

Just as I left the Patch for the sand, I spotted an Atlantic Guitar fish and got several shots of it.
Found this Blue Goby on the sand,
and this Seaweed Blenny near the 3-tiered reef. Swam out and along the Northern edge of the 3-tiered reef and got to 25 feet of water, where I surfaced.
Water temperature was 75 degrees; dive time was 51 minutes; consumption rate was 28.47 psi/minute at an average depth of 17 feet; SAC rate was 18.79 psi/minute on an aluminum 80.

I descended after an 8 minute surface interval and headed West over the 3-tiered reef, the sand and the Algae Patch to the beach. I had plenty of gas and spent time on the West end of the Algae Patch where I got shots of a Cero,
a Channel Flounder,
a Lane Snapper,
and a small school of Porkfish.
Water temperature was 75 degrees; dive time was 55 minutes; consumption rate was 26.07 psi/minute at an average depth of 16 feet; SAC rate was 17.56 psi/minute on an aluminum 80. .
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