Or maybe this picture of a small transulcent hermit crab in a moonsail shell.
I kept this picture of a Sand Perch to demonstrate how bad the visibility was.
I went up at 45 minutes to find that I had overcompensated and was way North of where I should have been. I was also cold, very cold. I wore the 3 mm jacket this morning, but it's a bit big and water flows through it or at least within it at strange times. I warm up on the surface.
Water temperature was 71 degrees; consumption rate was 30.27 psi/minute at an average depth of 19 ft; SAC rate was 19.21 psi/minute; RMV was 0.5 ft3/minute.
I got tangled up in the flag line on the surface. The North wind was fierce and there were large waves traveling East, but the flag was going West, then Southwest. I untangled the mess and descended well North of the Jacks. I swam SW across the 3-tiered reef, then headed West but let the current push me a little to the South, too. I was hoping to find the juvenile reef squid or the nurse shark, but no such luck. I got to the sand and hung around killing my tank then swam in to 10 feet to ascend near the beach. I swam in on the surface, but had some trouble getting my fins off, the flag reeled in and my camera secured. I wobbled around coming out of the surf and a large wave came along, picked me up and put me on top of the shelf. Probably could not have done that myself.
Water Temperature was 71 degrees; consumption at an average depth of 19 feet was 31.88 psi/minute; SAC rate was 20.23 psi/minute and RMV was 0.52 ft3/minute.
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