Found this Black Spotted Feather Duster just West of the sand when I first went down.
Saw and photographed this Queen Conch along the sand before the 3-tiered reef. Got a close of up the Conch's eyes.
Found this Slippery Dick on the 3-tiered reef. Swam over the 3-tiered reef then headed South to the Jacks before coming up at 46 minutes.
Water temperature was 71 degrees; dive time was 46 minutes; consumption was 25.83 psi/minute at an average depth of 20 feet; SAC rate was 16.08 on an aluminum 80.

Also took this shot of a pair of French Angelfish
Unfortunately, I found a Lionfish on the Jacks. Didn't take my spear.
Found this Sand Diver.

Also found this Yellowtail Snapper.
I left the Jacks and headed West to the beach. Found a very large but broken Gaudy Natica in about 16 ft of water just getting onto the Algae Patch. Biggest one yet, but not in great condition. Wish I had taken a picture of it.
Water temperature 71 degrees; Dive Time 51 minutes; consumption 28.1 psi/minute at an average depth of 16 feet; SAC rate of 18.92 psi/minute on an aluminum 80 tank.
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