Got this shot of a Balloonfish over the Algae Patch,
then this shot of a Bearded Fireworm on a patch of sand,
This shot of a Flamingo Tongue walking along the bottom, and
this shot of a Smooth Trunkfish over a small patch of coral.
Water temperature as 73 degrees; consumption was 27.13 psi/minute at an average depth of 19 ft; SAC rate on an 80 ft3 tank was 17.21 psi/minute.
I did not mess with the computer on the surface this time. I descended after a short surface interval and went to 24 feet of water. Headed Southwest and hit the Jacks.

Stayed on the North Side of the Jacks and swam West. Got this shot of a Giant Anemone as the Jacks cut into the 3-tiered reef.
Got this shot of a Planhead Filefish on the sand North of the Jacks.
Kept going West over the reef to the Algae Patch where I again searched for the juvenile reef squid, but didn't find any. I did find this Rock-boring Urchin along the South edge of the Algae Patch.

Swam West slowly and spotted the buoy in front of Tower 1. As I crossed onto the lighter sand, I got this shot of what I think is a Horse-eye Jack. Went out on the sand to 9 feet and came up.
Water Temperature was 73 degrees; consumption was 26.88 psi/minute at 15 ft average depth; SAC rate was 18.48 and RMV was 0.48 ft3/minute.
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