Surf was active, but better than on Thursday. At first I wasn't going to take the camera, then I decided I should. Sometimes it just looks bad. This wasn't one of those times. Visibility was 3 to 5 ft over the sand. We found the concrete blocks, but missed the gun sight and Irish Thighs. Missed the Cigar Rock, too, but found the overturned coral head to the North, so I adjusted and we swam right to the Gray Mid-way Rock. Turned North and swam over to the Perpendicular Rocks, the Swept Rock and the Knoll.
Visibility was maybe 5 to 8 feet and just too poor to spot the unusual shots.
Spotted a Green Sea Turtle on the Knoll and got some shots.

Started shooting portraits to cut down on the backscatter.
These shots turned out pretty well, but its mostly post-processing.
In the poor visibility, the turtle would swim right at me and get much closer than usual.
We headed back to the beach at 1000 psi. I stalled over the sand at 10 ft to make my 2 hours, then surfaced to swim in. Luis carried the flag, so exiting was easier than usual for me.
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