Spotted this Star Horseshoe worm on the knoll.
I spotted this apparently melting coral just North of the face of the knoll. Looks a lot like dripping candle wax. Saw some other coral nearby that was glazed over as if it had been overheated.
This was, however, one of the few dives on which I did not see anything new.
Dive Time was 145 minutes; RMV was 0.36 ft3/minute.
The first dive was longer than I had anticipated. I quickly changed tanks. The new tank showed 3560 psi, but had been sitting in the sun. Nonetheless, I was expecting a very long second dive. On the way out to the swim buoy, however, my Suunto showed only 598 psi in the tank. I was committed by that time, so I descended and swam out to the counter-weight and looked for a 20 ft hole.
I spotted and photographed this Star Horseshoe Worm.
I also got a shot of about six lobster marching along over the sand before the knoll.
the tank pressure reading got down below 100 psi and I decided to just call the dive. Even if I got more air, I wouldn't be comfortable not knowing how much and the gauge was apparently stuck on 100 psi. I had hoped it might start reading something in excess of 3000 psi, but it never did. So I got out and went back to the truck. I put my mechanical gauge on the tank and it showed over 3000 psi. I put the Suunto back on, and it then read 2530 psi, which sort of fits with me using 500 psi on the short dive.
Dive Time was 34 minutes; RMV was 0.26 ft3/minute, which is sort of surprising given the amount of swimming I did and against the current, as well. It suggests that I passed on what may well have been a record breaking dive for me.
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