Got a nice shot of an Atlantic Spadefish.
Got this shot of a Bluestriped Grunt.
Got a couple of nice shot of a Cero.
Gray Snapper
Initial Phase Queen Parrotfish
Juvenile Stoplight Parrotfish.
As we turned the dive and left the Jacks, I looked for my compass and did not have it. I couldn't remember if I had put it on. Really. So I followed Leo in. Dive Time was 113 minutes; RMV was 0.4 ft3/minute.
Leo wanted to make a second dive, so I agreed, but we would not make the surface swim to the Jacks. We descended in the algae patch just East of the swim buoy and made our way slowly to the East. Must have gotten set to the North because at around 75 minutes we approached the Jacks from the North. We headed East along the Jacks and then over the sand to the beach.
Got some nice shots of a Midnight Parrotfish.
Followed a Nurse Shark along the Jacks, then he turned and came back and I got this shot.
Queen Parrotfish
Love the decoration around the eye of this Sharpnose Puffer.
White spotted Filefish
Dive time was 140 minutes; RMV was 0.33 ft3/minute.
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