There were two green turtles on the knoll and neither ran off. This one was stretched out waiting for the smaller fish to clean him.
The other had been sleeping under one side of the tipped coral head on the Northeast end of the knoll. They both came and left throughout my dive.

This Blue Tang posed for a portrait.

This Juvenile Creole Wrasse and four other just like him were swimming with the juvenile grunts. I tried to get their pictures as part of the school, but they were constantly moving. They left the knoll and went to a small stand of staghorn coral and I got this shot.
This little Sand Diver didn't appreciate the strobe, but he didn't move, either.

This Queen Angelfish was quite timid, but really wanted to get closer and see what I was doing.
I stayed on the knoll, but I did wander the perimeter looking for squid, just didn't find any. Headed back at 700 psi and tried to follow my bearing exactly and check on landmarks. Hung out at the smaller rock for a bit, then moved up to the Big Rock and, finally, at 300 psi I headed to the beach. Got to 167 minutes and still had some air, but hard to know how much was left. Dive Time was 167 minutes; RMV was 0.33 ft3/minute.
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