From the Smaller Rock, I headed 130 degrees to the Knee-high coral and then on to the counter-weight. I went by the Dog Rock and then to the little knoll.
Found a little green turtle when I got to the knoll. I swam with him a bit. He came over to me and I just let him swim over me. I think he was curious about the strobe. Got lots of pictures, most of which were filled with back scatter.

Made a short trip over to the Port-hole rocks and found a Nurse Shark there, too.

Got some good shots of a large Red Grouper who now hangs out there.
Just hung with the fish until 1000 psi, when I headed back to the Smaller Rock and then the beach.
Dive Time was 153 minutes; RMV was .37 ft3/minute.
I was chilled when I got out of the water after my first dive. The sky was filled with clouds, but the cab of the truck was warm and my towel felt so good. I had a cup of coffee and a vitamin water and it was time to get in again. I floated at the surface to complete my surface interval once the Life Guard got to the beach. Then I descended and essentially repeated the first dive.
Got this shot of a Blackbar Soldierfish
and this shot of a Cero. I've been trying to get a good shot like this for some time. These fish just fly by and I can hardly see them coming. Getting two pictures was remarkable.
Just like this shot of a White Grunt who appears to be reading the riot act to a Hogfish.
I was using my air better, though, and made 162 minutes on this dive; RMV was 0.35 ft3/minute.
Noticed a guy watching me swim in. He walked over to where I was trying to climb out of the water and tried to strike up a conversation. It's nice that people are interested and I would be happy to talk to him, but after I get out of the ocean, after I get my gear off and after I pour myself a cup of coffee and dry off on my warm towel. When I am struggling to maintain my balance and carry the tank, camera, fins and flag, however, I would really like him to just go away.
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