like this Orange Spotted Filefish,

this Spanish Grunt, and

this Juvenile Creole Wrasse.
I spotted one Green Sea Turtle and then saw a second one
Luis and I went our separate ways to hunt our shots but kept seeing one another on the Knoll.

I spent a lot of time with the French Grunts at the SW corner of the knoll. Watched a small (young?) Porkfish approach each fish to inquire if he could clean their mouths. Some opened their mouths and some did not, but the energetic little guy would ask each one and then start again.

Also spotted a Bluespotted Coronetish just off the Knoll near Helmet head.
Luis had commitments for the afternoon, so we needed to cut short our surface interval. We agreed to first swim to the Fish Camp Rocks. We went up the gun sight and continued East at the Gray Mid-way Rock. There were a number of different fish at the Rocks. We spent some time looking and taking photographs.

I took several pictures of the Glassy Sweepers at the Rocks,

and got a couple of shots of this Stoplight Parrotfish.

We continued on to the Eastern Ledge, where we turned North and went up to the cut with the finger coral before heading West to the beach. Luis spotted a Pederson Shrimp on a Corkscrew Anemone and I got some photos.

Also got photos of a Three Spot Damselfish that was defending its territory from me as we swam up the cut.
As we got to the blocks, Luis tried to tell me that we needed to hurry to get to the shop before 2:00 pm. I didn't have a clue what he was trying to tell me.
I was hoping to make 2-hours and probably would have done it on the 397 psi I had left, but Luis was in such a hurry that I did not even try.
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