I got some good shots of Knobby Sea Rods, including this shot,
as well as a got a few good shots of a couple of Seaweed Blennys.
I got some shots of Red Boring Sponge, but can't say that the +10 diopter really helped. In fact, I think I liked the photos using just the 100 mm macro lens.
I found and photographed some Mat Zoanthid that had wormed its way into a patch of Giant Star Coral
and got a nice close up of some Great Star Coral.
If you look closely at this photo of a Flamingo Tongue, you can see the antenna coming out of the animal. I had hoped the + 10 diopter would get a better shot.
Of course, I also got a whole lot of blurred or badly exposed shots, but there is no reason to keep those.
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