Got this shot of a Sharpnose Puffer. I really like the decorations around the eyes.
This Porcupine Fish was timid and tried to avoid getting his picture taken, but he waited just a moment to long before swimming off.
These Sergeant Majors are delightful. Found a bunch of them at the Fish Camp Rocks.
Found this Sharptail Eel after the Fish Camp Rocks and on the way to the Ledge.
Same with this Bluestriped Grunt.
This little Bicolor Damselfish was one of many protecting their territory on the way down the Ledge.
This Redband Parrotfish came out of nowhere. I was lucky this shot turned out.
Not long after taking this picture, I signaled to Luis that I was down to 1000 psi and needed to head back to the beach.
Plenty of Spotted Goatfish on the way back to the beach.
Plenty of Porkfish, too.

This Flamingo Tongue was really vertical and it ate its way down the sea rod, but the picture looks better this way.
I was really blowing through my air. I surfaced with 212 left after only an 87 minute dive.
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