Since then, the air
temperature has dropped into the 40's and I have not tested the water
temperature until this morning, when it was 67 degrees. As you can see,
however, the ocean was flat and calm and I just couldn't stay home any
longer, even though the Windjammer webcam said the

Visibility over the sand was poor, maybe 8 ft. On the reef it opened up to at least 15 ft with some absolutely gorgeous moments when the sun was out and the water calm and you could see for 40-50 ft. Went by the Bubble Rocks to the Perpendicular Rocks. Lots of fish, but bigger fish. Adults.
From the Perpendicular Rocks, I swam to the Swept Rock and then to the Big Coral Knoll. Just past the Swept Rock, I found three Blue
Tangs getting cleaned by a small Spanish Hogfish. They were nervous, but I got an okay picture of two of the Tangs and the little Hogfish.
Tangs getting cleaned by a small Spanish Hogfish. They were nervous, but I got an okay picture of two of the Tangs and the little Hogfish.
Made several trips around the Knoll looking for featherdusters and fireworms.
I was warm and calm until around 40 minutes, then I started to shiver. Got that under control, but I could tell that I was using more air than before. Started counting my breaths in and out, which seemed to allow me to take control again.
Got some pictures of featherdusters and some really nice pictures
of Christmas Tree Worms. Spent some time working with the strobe.
First, I worked on lighting the subject, directing the flash to the
subject, behind the subject or to the side. Next, I tried changing the
strength of the flash. Problem is that it takes time to do this and most fish won't tolerate
the delay. The worms don't seem to mind, though some of them, too,
disappeared before I could get completely set up for the shot.
On the way back to the beach, I found a small octopus on some coral and out in the open. I tried to get this little fella to play, but he was not having any of it. He inched his way around the coral, then down and underneath it.
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