The wind was light and from the West. The sea was flat. I swam out at 90 degrees, but ended up way to the North in an area I did not recognize. I tried to swim back, but nothing was familiar. I

went from rock to rock shooting pictures. I found a small Nurse Shark and a small Speckled Hermit Crab. Then I headed back to the beach.

I did better on the second dive. Sam, one of the divemasters on American Dream, introduced himself to me and asked about my camera. Next thing I know, the Life Guardette showed up 20 minutes early for her shift and I had to scurry

into the water while her back was turned. I went out at100 degrees, but did not find the knoll. I surfaced and check the first pole to the South,

then the swim buoy. I was too far East. I swam back in and was just North of the Knoll. Spent some time shooting pictures on the Knoll, then did a little exploring. I could not find the two concrete blocks and the line that I found

yesterday. I also could not find my way back to the Knoll, so I surfaced again, re-positioned myself again and found the Knoll. I swam back in at 270 degrees, but ended up in front of the Life Guard Tower.
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