I got to the beach first and Luis arrived about 15 minutes later. We geared up and got in. I swam out to the mark and showed it to Luis, then swam at 110 degrees to the Ledge of Turtles. There was a little Green Sea Turtle over the Ledge when we arrived. A second Green was tucked under the

Ledge. LuisI found a Spotted Moray Eel in the Ledge. I had used a lot of air fighting the current on the way out, and used more chasing turtles. After we explored the Ledge, I did not have

enough air to get out to the Shark Rocks and back, so we just killed time in the immediate area of the Ledge.

Our second dive was supposed to be just like the first. I wanted to get to the Ledge, then swim out to the Shark Rocks. But I missed the Ledge.

Visibility had diminished, but we were off course. We missed the mid-way rocks. Anyway, we swam out to the Eastern Edge of the Reef and came upon the Shark Rocks on the way back. From

there I navigated to the Ledge of Turtles. We spotted a Florida Regal Sea Goddess and a Striped Burrfish on the way back to the beach.
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