Dianne and I met Luis at the beach. After failing to find the Big Coral Knoll or the Fish Camp Rocks this morning, I wanted to dive the area again and try to find these things. We swam out and found several of the Jellys I saw this morning, so we descended to photograph and pick our way through them. We found the rock with a coral head and I headed NE but Luis came to tell me that he found something to the SE.

Whatever it was was gone when we got there. We found a small Queen Angelfish that was not quite as shy as most of the Queens and she posed for a few good photos. Dianne spotted a small Hawksbill turtle and we swam with her for a while.

We came to the Eastern edge of the reef and I headed North. Somewhere we lost Luis, so Dianne and I went up to find him. We spotted the flag to the SW but could not swim fast enough against the current to get there. Finally, Luis came up, waited for us and we re-descended. Immediately upon getting down, I spotted some reef squid and chased them for some

pictures. Then we were on the Big Coral Knoll and swimming with an older Hawksbill. Dianne tapped me to show me a large Green Turtle ahead, but she spooked it by swimming right at it and it took off. I doubled back and found Luis still photographing the second Hawksbill and I joined in. I got some shots of Dianne and the turtle, but the turtle was swimming close to the bottom and it was difficult to get a good angle. I spotted some Spadefish and swam with them then found Luis and we headed SW and ran into the Rocks. By this time I was very low on air and we went back to the beach. There were no jellyfish in the water as we came through the surf.

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