08 August 2020

20200808_East Ledge off Tower 17

Martha and I got to the beach at 6:48 am. Luis was right behind us at 7:03 am. We geared up and swam out past the buoy line to the blocks, where we descended at 7:30 am. We swam on a 90 degree bearing. Came to the gunsight but apparently got set well to the North as we ended up at the single green coral head near the Perpendicular Rocks. We went to the Swept Rock and then the Big Coral Knoll. 

We just crossed the Knoll but did not circle it. Instead we headed South to the Fish Camp Rocks where I got this shot of a Spotted Goatfish (Pseudupeneus maculatus). We spent about 15 minutes exploring the Rocks then headed East to the Eastern Ledge. We got to the Ledge about 50 minutes into the dive at 8:24 am. 

There is a 35 foot drop off at the Eastern Ledge    and for 30 minutes we swam North over the sand and as we swam along parallel to the ledge, I got this shot of a Butter Hamlet (Hypoplectrus unicolor). It was 80 minutes into the dive and I had only 1100 psi in my tank. I turned the dive and we headed West.  

Martha and I swam up the dropoff and got into 20 feet of water. Martha swam to me and I followed her back towards the Ledge where she had spotted a Sharptail Eel (Myrichthys breviceps). 

I also got a shot of these three Atlantic Spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber) below.  Martha and I swam West for approximately 10 minutes and came to the Southern most of the Fish Camp Rocks. I had about 800 psi left at that time, which was plenty of air to make it to the beach.

We swam on the surface to the beach and easily exited the water. Luis swam underwater and towed the flag in.

Our dive time was 112 minutes at a maximum depth of 35.2 feet. My A/C was 23.89 psi/minute; my SAC was 14.60 psi/minute and my RMV was .38 cubic feet/minute.


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